1471. S. G.Ali Bey Evleri Villa 3/C Muratpaşa ANTALYA



What is Uneven Teeth?

Uneven teeth are two or more teeth which have unwanted gaps in between them or shape deformity that cause aesthetical problems to patients. Uneven teeth and the problems they cause might be innate or happen later on due to a variety of reasons. It is a problem that every individual can experience regardless of age or gender. Uneven dental problems in children usually occurs in permanent teeth that come out after the shedding of the milk teeth. Before treating uneven teeth, the causes of formation should be examined.

What are the reasons of Uneven Teeth?

The reasons of uneven teeth are:

• Innate and Genetical

• Impact, accidents or gingiva problems

• If patients experience premature teeth loss for various reasons, tooth shifts caused by loss of neighboring dental support

How Uneven Teeth are Treated?

As mentioned, before starting Uneven teeth dental treatment, information should be gathered about the causes of separation. There are multiple methods to apply for uneven teeth dental treatment after diagnosis as a result of various examinations and examinations.


What are the treatment methods for Uneven Teeth?

• Orthodontic Treatment for Uneven Teeth (Braces)

The first treatment that comes to mind when it comes to uneven teeth is braces. Bracing treatment can be done with metal or transparent wires, as well as with transparent plaques or mouthguards depending on the person’s oral and dental structure, age and condition of the seperation. Regardless of the material used; the apparatus applied helps the uneven teeth to become closer together and return to their healthy anatomical position within a period of time that can vary from patient to patient. The treatment method to be applied and which braces to be used in the treatment should be decided by dentists who are experts in the field.

• Bonding Method (Composite Laminate Application)

Another method used effectively in the treatment of uneven teeth is bonding therapy.

The word “bond” means connecting the teeth together in this context. Patients who do not want to use braces or mouthguards due to aesthetic concerns, they can apply to bonding method as a more cosmetic and faster solution. Bonding, which is often preferred especially in the treatment of frontal tooth discerns, is known as a fairly easy method. Composite materials (a material made from two or more components with different physical or chemical properties), which are also used in the treatment of dental cavities, serve as fillers between uneven teeth and result in visual changes such as the expansion or longitudeny of teeth. Bonding with composite filling, which is quite compatible with teeth color, is a short process that takes about thirty to sixty minutes.

• Laminate Application (Porcelain Teeth)

Another uneven teeth dental treatment method is the application of porcellain laminates. Shape deformity and discoloring issues in the teeth can be easily solved with this method. Porcellain laminates, which is one of the methods that provides the highest aesthetic advantage in uneven teeth dental treatments, is metered and sent to production according to the teeth gap that needs to be filled by using sensitive technologies in the laboratory environment. In this method, which minimally interferes with teeth, laminates are applied directly on the gaping parts of the teeth. In addition to all of these, laminate application, which requires no other intervention, helps close the gap instantly and allows the patients admitted to our clinic to leave quite happy with the natural and aesthetic appearance it has provided to the teeth. 

Which Treatment Method should be selected?

Which method to choose depends on the age of the patient, the nature of the gap between the teeth, the likes of the patient and, of course, the final decision of the dentist.

Duration of the Treatment

The duration of treatment in uneven teeth depends on which of the methods mentioned earlier is selected. Orthodontic wire treatments can take months, while composite/porcellain laminate application takes several days. Bonding is a procedure that can be completed within a few hours. 

After Treatment

Pain levels after uneven teeth dental treatment are minimal and can be easily suppressed with medication prescribed by expert dentists. If the teeth are not strained by a physical impact or jaw pressure immediately after treatment, the healing process progresses quite smooth and patients can use their teeth easily.

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